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Metaverse for Connected and Automated Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation Systems [From the Guest Editors]
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1109/mvt.2023.3333444
Pengyuan Zhou 1 , Lik-Hang Lee 2 , Zhi Liu 3 , Hang Qiu 4 , Tristan Braud 5 , Aaron Yi Ding 6 , Sasu Tarkoma 7 , Pan Hui 5

The metaverse aims to blur the boundary between the physical world and digital content. To achieve this goal, the metaverse relies heavily on extended reality (XR), the Internet of Things, and communication technologies. Concurrently, connected vehicles and intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) are envisioned as the future paradigm of driving and becoming reality thanks to increasingly powerful onboard vehicular processing capacity and advanced vehicle-to-everything networking technologies.


用于互联和自动化车辆以及智能交通系统的 Metaverse [来自客座编辑]
