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Technical research and demonstration projects of the intelligent building for smart grid in China
Energy and Buildings ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.113987
Xiaogang Jin , Hengxing Bao , Yuanjun Luo , Xiaofang Wang

Through six demonstration projects of intelligent building connected to the smart grid via State Grid Corporation of China(SGCC), which are located in different areas of China with different sizes, all kinds of methods based on the smart grid for improving building power efficiency and integrated technologies are studied, changing previous energy-saving practices that mainly depend on a single product or partial technological transformation. The results of more than ten years of demonstration projects operation research indicate that the use of distributed renewable energy and power technologies such as energy storage, energy efficiency management, and demand response has enabled buildings to save energy consumption, improve the proportion and quality of green electricity, meet the peak shaving and valley filling of the power grid, and ultimately reduce carbon emissions. Not only does it reduce energy consumption by more than 15% for users, but it also provides a more comfortable and convenient building environment. The most important thing is to verify the effectiveness and long-term reliability of smart grid technology in promoting green and low-carbon buildings on the power user side. Furthermore, it provides valuable experience for the renovation and construction of low-carbon and flexible electricity-load buildings in the future.


