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Organizational authenticity: How craft-based ventures manage authentic identities and audience appeal
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal ( IF 5.761 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 , DOI: 10.1002/sej.1496
Stanislav D. Dobrev 1 , J. Cameron Verhaal 2

Commercial success in craft-based industries requires projecting authentic identities but direct claims of authenticity can backfire and raise suspicions of pecuniary motivation, an antithesis to authenticity. Managing authentic identities is thus central to the success of craft-based ventures. We argue that organizations can shape their audience's perceptions of authenticity and appeal by tacitly and indirectly conveying a resonant identity meaning with visibility and credibility. Our empirical analysis, set in the US craft beer industry, reveals strong support for the idea that craft ventures can raise authenticity and appeal through managing the content/meaning, visibility, and credibility of their identity claims. We discuss the implications of our theory and findings for the role of organizations in the social construction of authenticity and appeal.


