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Do reflection prompts promote children's conflict monitoring and revision of misconceptions?
Child Development ( IF 5.661 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-17 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14081
Maria Theobald 1 , Joseph Colantonio 2, 3 , Igor Bascandziev 3 , Elizabeth Bonawitz 3 , Garvin Brod 1, 4

We tested whether reflection prompts enhance conflict monitoring and facilitate the revision of misconceptions. German children (N = 97, Mage = 7.20, 56% female) were assigned to a prediction or a prediction with reflection condition that included reflection prompts. Children in the prediction with reflection condition (1) showed greater error-related response times and pupil dilation responses, indicating better conflict monitoring, and (2) performed closer to an optimal Bayesian learner, indicating better monitoring-based control. However, by the end of the study, all children had similar levels of misconception revision. Thus, reflection prompts can enhance learning from anomalous evidence by improving conflict monitoring, but they may need to be repeated often to sustain their beneficial effects.