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Contested circularity: Analyzing the perceptions towards the use of waste incineration bottom ash in Sweden
Resources, Conservation and Recycling ( IF 13.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2024.107475
Nils Johansson , Joakim Johansson

This study investigates the perceptions of three Swedish stakeholders towards the contested use of waste incineration bottom ash as aggregates outside landfills: waste producers, users and authorities. The interview study shows that the stakeholders lack incentives to circulate bottom ash. Waste producers have a functional outlet for bottom ash by using it as landfill cover. Since the transition from gravel to crushed rock, the availability of natural aggregates is enormous in Sweden at low environmental and economic costs. This causes the potential users of bottom ash to prioritize conventional aggregates. In cases where waste-based aggregates are nevertheless used, they are taken from project-internal sources. Hence, there are few incentives for the authorities to change the currently unfavorable regulations for using bottom ash as aggregates. With unclear environmental benefits and contested interests, the rationale for circulating bottom ash appears to be driven by morality.


