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Effect of Intravenous Zoledronic Acid on Total Knee Replacement in Patients With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis and Without Severe Joint Space Narrowing: A Prespecified Secondary Analysis of a Two-Year, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Arthritis & Rheumatology ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-18 , DOI: 10.1002/art.42831
Guoqi Cai 1, 2 , Laura L. Laslett 2 , Michael Thompson 2, 3 , Flavia Cicuttini 4 , Catherine Hill 5 , Anita E. Wluka 4 , Lyn March 6 , Yuanyuan Wang 4 , Petr Otahal 2 , James D. Stoney 7, 8 , Benny Antony 2 , Kathy Buttigieg 2 , Tania Winzenberg 2 , Graeme Jones 2 , Dawn Aitken 2

To determine the effect of zoledronic acid (ZA) on the risk of total knee replacement (TKR) in patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis and without severe joint space narrowing (JSN).



旨在确定唑来膦酸 (ZA) 对有症状的膝骨关节炎且无严重关节间隙狭窄 (JSN) 患者的全膝关节置换术 (TKR) 风险的影响。