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Numerical analysis of concrete permeability measurements in laboratory and in field
Cement and Concrete Research ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2024.107455
Stéphane Multon , Jérôme Verdier , Hugo Cagnon , Alexandre Nehme , Hognon Sogbossi

This paper addresses the challenge of evaluating the air permeability of structural concrete in situ, using non-destructive techniques. Specifically, it aims to reconcile air permeability measurements made in the field with those made in the laboratory. Permeability measurements in the laboratory and in the field use both under pressure and in vacuum techniques in steady or unsteady states. Differences between the methods may arise from pressure or flow regime variations, or flow direction control. The study proposes a methodology for evaluating air permeability in the field using an existing vacuum technique and an original numerical inverse analysis. An experimental programme using different protocols of permeability measurement with vacuum techniques analysed by numerical modelling is used to understand the differences observed experimentally.


