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Strategies for grid-friendly and uncertainty-adaptive design in zero energy buildings
Energy and Buildings ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.113967
Kai Hu , Chengchu Yan , Chao Xu , Wenjun Li , Jing Ye , Yanfeng Gong , Yizhe Xu

The intermittency and fluctuation of renewable energy sources cause large uncertainties in energy generation, not only leading to an energy imbalance between energy generation and utilization in Zero Energy Buildings (ZEBs) but also causing potential risks to the connected electricity grid. To address this issue, we propose a method for optimizing the design of the energy system in ZEBs, which emphasizes grid-friendly interaction with grids and considers the uncertainty quantification in renewable resources and cooling demand. This study introduces the grid-friendly interaction index to evaluate the compatibility of ZEB energy exchanges with the power grid. The aim is to optimize these exchanges for better grid integration. Utilizing 26 years of historical weather data, the Monte Carlo method is used to quantify the uncertainty of design parameters, thereby informing our optimization process. A comprehensive analysis, centered on an actual ZEB in Hong Kong, compares our uncertainty-based design methodology against traditional, deterministic design approach. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve up to a 9 % cost reduction, a 6.8 % reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, and a 10.8 % improvement in grid-friendliness compared to deterministic design schemes. These results affirm the efficacy of the proposed methods in providing appropriate design options to meet diverse reliability demands.