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Navigating the blurred path of mixed neuro-immune signaling
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ( IF 14.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2024.02.006
Surbhi Gupta , Alice Viotti , Tuany Eichwald , Anais Roger , Eva Kaufmann , Rahmeh Othman , Nader Ghasemlou , Moutih Rafei , Simmie L. Foster , Sebastien Talbot

Evolution has created complex mechanisms to sense environmental danger and protect tissues, with the nervous and immune systems playing pivotal roles. These systems work together, coordinating local and systemic reflexes to restore homeostasis in response to tissue injury and infection. By sharing receptors and ligands, they influence the pathogenesis of various diseases. Recently, a less explored aspect of neuro-immune communication has emerged: the release of neuropeptides from immune cells and cytokines/chemokines from sensory neurons. This paper reviews evidence of this unique neuro-immune interplay and its impact on the development of allergy, inflammation, itch, and pain. We highlight the effects of this neuro-immune signaling on vital processes such as host defense, tissue repair, and inflammation resolution, providing avenues for exploration of the underlying mechanisms and therapeutic potential of this signaling.


