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Car harm: A global review of automobility's harm to people and the environment
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103817
Patrick Miner , Barbara M. Smith , Anant Jani , Geraldine McNeill , Alfred Gathorne-Hardy

Despite the widespread harm caused by cars and automobility, governments, corporations, and individuals continue to facilitate it by expanding roads, manufacturing larger vehicles, and subsidising parking, electric cars, and resource extraction. This literature review synthesises the negative consequences of automobility, or car harm, which we have grouped into four categories: violence, ill health, social injustice, and environmental damage. We find that, since their invention, cars and automobility have killed 60–80 million people and injured at least 2 billion. Currently, 1 in 34 deaths are caused by automobility. Cars have exacerbated social inequities and damaged ecosystems in every global region, including in remote car-free places. While some people benefit from automobility, nearly everyone—whether or not they drive—is harmed by it. Slowing automobility's violence and pollution will be impracticable without the replacement of policies that encourage car harm with policies that reduce it. To that end, the paper briefly summarises interventions that are ready for implementation.



尽管汽车和汽车造成了广泛的危害,但政府、企业和个人继续通过扩建道路、制造更大的车辆以及补贴停车、电动汽车和资源开采来为其提供便利。这篇文献综述综合了汽车或汽车伤害的负面后果,我们将其分为四类:暴力、健康不良、社会不公正和环境破坏。我们发现,自汽车和汽车发明以来,已造成 60-8000 万人死亡,至少 20 亿人受伤。目前,每 34 人死亡中就有 1 人是由汽车造成的。汽车加剧了社会不平等,破坏了全球各个地区的生态系统,包括偏远的无车地区。虽然有些人从汽车中受益,但几乎每个人——无论他们是否开车——都受到了伤害。如果不以减少汽车伤害的政策取代鼓励汽车伤害的政策,那么减缓汽车暴力和污染将是不切实际的。为此,本文简要总结了准备实施的干预措施。