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Salinity as a key factor affecting viral activity and life strategies in alpine lakes
Limnology and Oceanography ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1002/lno.12540
Lin Zang 1, 2 , Yongqin Liu 1, 2, 3 , Nianzhi Jiao 4 , Kevin Xu Zhong 5 , Xuanying Song 1 , Yunlan Yang 4 , Lanlan Cai 6 , Keshao Liu 1 , Guannan Mao 1 , Mukan Ji 3 , Rui Zhang 7

Viruses are major players in the biosphere, yet little is known about their dynamics and life strategies in alpine lakes, particularly those on the Tibetan Plateau. We investigated microbial abundance, viral dynamics, and viral life strategies in 10 high‐altitude Tibetan lakes and found that they harbor high levels of active viruses. Salinity was identified as a crucial factor influencing viral abundance, dynamics, as well as viral life strategies. Lytic and lysogenic viral productions in moderate‐ and high‐salinity lakes were significantly higher than those in freshwater lakes. A trade‐off between viral life strategies resulted in a switch from lysis to lysogeny in high‐salinity lakes. Virus‐mediated cell lysis and virus decay in sampled Tibetan lakes could release about 162.72 and 2.84 μg C L−1 d−1, respectively. These findings revealed the crucial role of viruses in the carbon cycle of Tibetan lakes, and a switch in viral life strategies may impact their contribution to the carbon cycle. The potential impact of salinity changes triggered by climate change on the carbon cycle in alpine lakes worldwide is highlighted.