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Gut microbiota facilitate adaptation of invasive moths to new host plants
The ISME Journal ( IF 11.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-27 , DOI: 10.1093/ismejo/wrae031
Shouke Zhang 1, 2 , Feng Song 1, 2 , Jie Wang 1, 2 , Xiayu Li 3, 4 , Yuxin Zhang 3, 4 , Wenwu Zhou 5, 6 , Letian Xu 3, 4

Gut microbiota are important in the adaptation of phytophagous insects to their plant hosts. However, the interaction between gut microbiomes and pioneering populations of invasive insects during their adaptation to new hosts, particularly in the initial phases of invasion, has been less studied. We studied the contribution of the gut microbiome to host adaptation in the globally recognized invasive pest, Hyphantria cunea, as it expands its range into southern China. The southern population of H. cunea shows effective adaptation to Metasequoia glyptostroboides and exhibits greater larval survival on Metasequoia than the original population. Genome resequencing revealed no significant differences in functions related to host adaptation between the two populations. The compatibility between southern H. cunea populations and M. glyptostroboides revealed a correlation between the abundance of several gut bacteria genera (Bacteroides, Blautia, and Coprococcus) and H. cunea survival. Transplanting the larval gut microbiome from southern to northern populations enhanced the adaptability of the latter to the previously unsuitable plant M. glyptostroboides. This research provides evidence that the gut microbiome of pioneering populations can enhance the compatibility of invasive pests to new hosts and enable more rapid adaptation to new habitats.