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Arabidopsis as a model for translational research
The Plant Cell ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-27 , DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koae065
Anna E Yaschenko 1 , Jose M Alonso 1 , Anna N Stepanova 1

Arabidopsis thaliana is currently the most-studied plant species on earth, with an unprecedented number of genetic, genomic, and molecular resources having been generated in this plant model. In the era of translating foundational discoveries to crops and beyond, we aimed to highlight the utility and challenges of using Arabidopsis as a reference for applied plant biology research, agricultural innovation, biotechnology, and medicine. We hope that this review will inspire the next generation of plant biologists to continue leveraging Arabidopsis as a robust and convenient experimental system to address fundamental and applied questions in biology. We aim to encourage lab and field scientists alike to take advantage of the vast Arabidopsis datasets, annotations, germplasm, constructs, methods, molecular and computational tools in our pursuit to advance understanding of plant biology and help feed the world’s growing population. We envision that the power of Arabidopsis-inspired biotechnologies and foundational discoveries will continue to fuel the development of resilient, high-yielding, nutritious plants for the betterment of plant and animal health and greater environmental sustainability.


