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Guest Editorial Human-Centric Communication and Networking for Metaverse Over 5G and Beyond Networks—Part I
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1109/jsac.2023.3344091
Peng Li 1 , Song Guo 2 , Lin Cai 3 , Mehrdad Dianati 4 , Nirwan Ansari 5

Metaverse, a hypothetical digital environment linking the cyber world and the physical world, is expected to revolutionize the way people interact. In the metaverse, people interact with objects, the environment, and each other through digital representations of themselves or avatars across time and space. For example, in the metaverse, people can have meetings with colleagues hundreds of miles away. They can also walk through the aisles of a store, find the best fit and have it delivered to their doorstep. It is also possible to simulate the optimal process manufacturing line to adjust for product variation and minimize bottlenecks, or test an innovative aircraft wing design without building expensive prototypes.


客座社论 5G 及其他网络上的以人为本的通信和元宇宙网络 - 第一部分
