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Dopamine Polymerization-Mediated Surface Functionalization toward Advanced Bacterial Therapeutics
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 18.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.3c00798
Lu Wang 1 , Jinyao Liu 1

Bacteria-based therapy has spotlighted an unprecedented potential in treating a range of diseases, given that bacteria can be used as both drug vehicles and therapeutic agents. However, the use of bacteria for disease treatment often suffers from unsatisfactory outcomes, due largely to their suboptimal bioavailability, dose-dependent toxicity, and low targeting colonization. In the past few years, substantial efforts have been devoted to tackling these difficulties, among which methods capable of integrating bacteria with multiple functions have been extensively pursued. Different from conventional genetic engineering and modern synthetic bioengineering, surface modification of bacteria has emerged as a simple yet flexible strategy to introduce different functional motifs. Polydopamine, which can be easily formed via in situ dopamine oxidation and self-polymerization, is an appealing biomimetic polymer that has been widely applied for interfacial modification and functionalization. By virtue of its catechol groups, polydopamine can be efficiently codeposited with a multitude of functional elements on diverse surfaces.


