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Quantifying the overall spatial distribution characteristics of urban heavy truck trips: The case of China
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103822
Ying-Yue Lv , Xiao-Yong Yan , Bin Jia , Yitao Yang , Erjian Liu

Urban freight systems serve as an essential part of city livability. Heavy trucks are critical for urban freight system operation. Although understanding the overall spatial distribution characteristics of heavy truck trips is important for urban freight system planning and management, quantifying the spatial distribution characteristics of heavy truck trips remains scarce. In this study, we employ two indices, the flow hierarchy index and the urban centrality index, to quantify the overall spatial distribution characteristics of heavy truck trips from two perspectives: the heavy truck flow hierarchical organization and outflow spatial distribution centrality. We use these approaches to quantify the overall spatial distribution characteristics of heavy truck trips for typical Chinese cities and classify them into four patterns. We further analyze the characteristics and underlying mechanism of each pattern and then calculate the overall heavy truck trip efficiencies for cities in different patterns. Our research offers a framework for quantifying the overall spatial distribution characteristics of urban heavy truck trips and provides policymaking references for the planning and management of urban freight systems.