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Editorial Perspective: The paradox of precision health in early development – building large samples to yield individual‐level measures
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13974
Mark H. Johnson 1, 2 , Pasco Fearon 1 , Andrew Pickles 3 , Emily J.H. Jones 2

Precision health refers to the use of individualised biomarkers or predictive models to provide more tailored information about an individual's likely prognosis. For child psychiatry and psychology, we argue that this approach requires a focus on neurocognitive measures collected in early life and at large scale. However, the large sample sizes necessary to uncover individual‐level predictors are currently rare in studies of neurodevelopmental conditions in early childhood. We recommend two strategies going forward: first, including neurocognitive measures in new national cohort studies, and second, synergising measures and data across currently funded longitudinal studies.


