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How do parents care together? Dyadic parental leave take-up strategies, wages and workplace characteristics
Work, Employment and Society ( IF 4.249 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 , DOI: 10.1177/09500170241229281
Marie Valentova 1

The article explores the association between within-household couples’ parental leave take-up strategies and parents’ earning capacity (hourly wages) and their workplace characteristics. The results, based on the social security register data from Luxembourg, reveal that a couple strategy where both partners take parental leave is more likely when the partners have equal earning capacity, when the mother works in the sector of education, health and social services rather than in other sectors, and when the father is employed in a larger-sized company. Couples where the mother earns more than the father are more likely to opt for a strategy where neither parent takes any leave. The economic sector moderates the effect of fathers’ wages on the probability of choosing the strategy where both partners take leave.


