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In conversation with Igor Adameyko
Nature Neuroscience ( IF 25.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01614-6
Elisa Floriddia

As Nature Neuroscience celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are having conversations with both established leaders in the field and those earlier in their careers to discuss how the field has evolved, and where it is heading. This month, we are talking to Igor Adameyko (Department Chair at the Center for Brain Research of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, and a group leader at the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden), a developmental biologist by training with research interests ranging from neural crest cell fate to aquatic life and a champion of a positive research culture.



在《自然神经科学》庆祝成立 25 周年之际,我们正在与该领域的知名领导者和职业生涯早期的人士进行对话,讨论该领域的发展情况以及发展方向。本月,我们将采访伊戈尔·阿达梅科(Igor Adameyko)(奥地利维也纳医科大学脑研究中心系主任、瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院小组组长),他是一名发育生物学家,研究兴趣涵盖神经、嵴细胞对水生生物的命运和积极研究文化的倡导者。