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Smooth control with flexible duration for semi-Markov jump linear systems
Automatica ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111612
Jianan Yang , Yimin Zhu , Lixian Zhang , Guangren Duan , Ming Liu , Xibin Cao

This paper is concerned with the issue of smooth control for semi-Markov jump linear systems. The performance metric on the control smoothness for general non-deterministic switched systems is renewed for the studied stochastic switched system by exploiting the statistical information including transition probabilities and sojourn-time probability mass functions. The practical asynchronous switching phenomenon in the system is considered. A piecewise control law with flexible duration for control smoothness is proposed as a first attempt, which outperforms the traditional duration that is either less- or over-designed in terms of smoothness. A receding algorithm is developed to eliminate the nonlinearity curse caused by the terms of power of matrices in the derived existence criterion of controller. Illustrative examples including a class of are presented to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the theoretical findings


