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Metagenomic analysis of individual mosquito viromes reveals the geographical patterns and drivers of viral diversity
Nature Ecology & Evolution ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-22 , DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02365-0
Yuan-Fei Pan , Hailong Zhao , Qin-Yu Gou , Pei-Bo Shi , Jun-Hua Tian , Yun Feng , Kun Li , Wei-Hong Yang , De Wu , Guangpeng Tang , Bing Zhang , Zirui Ren , Shiqin Peng , Geng-Yan Luo , Shi-Jia Le , Gen-Yang Xin , Jing Wang , Xin Hou , Min-Wu Peng , Jian-Bin Kong , Xin-Xin Chen , Chun-Hui Yang , Shi-Qiang Mei , Yu-Qi Liao , Jing-Xia Cheng , Juan Wang , Chaolemen , Yu-Hui Wu , Jian-Bo Wang , Tongqing An , Xinyi Huang , John-Sebastian Eden , Jun Li , Deyin Guo , Guodong Liang , Xin Jin , Edward C. Holmes , Bo Li , Daxi Wang , Junhua Li , Wei-Chen Wu , Mang Shi

Mosquito transmitted viruses are responsible for an increasing burden of human disease. Despite this, little is known about the diversity and ecology of viruses within individual mosquito hosts. Here, using a meta-transcriptomic approach, we determined the viromes of 2,438 individual mosquitoes (81 species), spanning ~4,000 km along latitudes and longitudes in China. From these data we identified 393 viral species associated with mosquitoes, including 7 (putative) species of arthropod-borne viruses (that is, arboviruses). We identified potential mosquito species and geographic hotspots of viral diversity and arbovirus occurrence, and demonstrated that the composition of individual mosquito viromes was strongly associated with host phylogeny. Our data revealed a large number of viruses shared among mosquito species or genera, enhancing our understanding of the host specificity of insect-associated viruses. We also detected multiple virus species that were widespread throughout the country, perhaps reflecting long-distance mosquito dispersal. Together, these results greatly expand the known mosquito virome, linked viral diversity at the scale of individual insects to that at a country-wide scale, and offered unique insights into the biogeography and diversity of viruses in insect vectors.
