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Beyond Borders: Understanding Afghanistan's International Migration Dynamics and Global Implications
International Migration Review ( IF 3.960 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1177/01979183241242376
Shapoor Hamid 1

Afghanistan, a landlocked nation with a turbulent history of conflict and natural disasters, has experienced the evolution of migration as a strategic response to a range of challenges. Over time, Afghans have developed a resilient transnational network, using mobility as a way to cope and as a proactive strategy. This article explores the dynamics of Afghan migration, examining the intersections of political, historical, cultural, social, and economic factors. Four main themes emerge: the resilience of transnational networks, migration as a coping mechanism, prolonged displacement, and the inconsistency of return and reintegration. The paper also discusses the challenges of conceptualizing migration and return in the Afghan context and reflects on relevant theoretical models for studying migration in Afghanistan. Additionally, it explores emerging research themes, including gender perspectives and political uncertainty. As Afghanistan grapples with a dynamic migration landscape, the insights gained from this study have broader implications for international migration studies.


