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Predicting mechanical failure of polycrystalline dual-phase nickel-based alloys by numerical homogenization using a phase field damage model
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s00161-024-01298-0
Jakob Huber , Jonas Vogler , Jan Torgersen , Ewald Werner

Brazing of nickel-based alloys plays a major role in the assembly of turbine components, e.g., abradable sealing systems. In a brazed joint of nickel-based alloys a composition of brittle and ductile phases can be formed if the brazing conditions are not ideal. This heterogeneous microstructure is a crucial challenge for predicting the damage behavior of a brazed joint. The initiation and evolution of microdamage inside of the brittle phase of a virtual dual-phase microstructure representing the material in a brazed joint is studied by means of numerical simulations. A phase field approach for brittle damage is employed on the microscale. The simulation approach is capable of depicting phenomena of microcracking like kinking and branching due to heterogeneous stress and strain fields on the microscale. No information regarding the initiation sites and pathways of microcracks is needed a priori. The reliability of calculating the effective critical energy quantities as a microstructure-based criterion for macroscopic damage is assessed. The effective critical strain energy density and the effective critical energy release rate are evaluated for single-phase microstructures, and the approach is transferred to dual-phase microstructures. The local critical strain energy density turns out to be better suited as a model input parameter on the microscale as well as for a microstructure-based prediction of macroscopic damage compared to a model employing the energy release rate. Regarding the uncertainty of the model prediction, using the effective critical energy release rate leads to a standard deviation which is five times larger than the standard deviation in the predicted effective critical strain energy density.



