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Supporting Early Math Learning Along a Continuum of Guided Play
Early Childhood Education Journal ( IF 1.656 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10643-024-01650-8
Hanna Wickstrom , Angela Pyle

The early years of education are a crucial time to develop a strong foundation of critical mathematical skills. A growing body of research continues to demonstrate that this foundational knowledge can be successfully built through teacher-facilitated, or guided, approaches to play. Despite its benefits, the implementation of guided play is relatively uncommon, as educators have expressed uncertainty regarding how to support guided play within the realities of classroom practice. The current study addressed this central challenge through qualitative inquiry, and identified three overarching approaches, each with specific strategies for implementation, that educators used to guide children’s play to support early math learning. Results also identified how guided play is situated within an ongoing and iterative process of play, whereby educators play a crucial role in supporting children’s learning before, during, and after periods of play. Illustrative examples of these approaches and strategies for guiding play will be shared and discussed relative to their potential for supporting educators within their practice of integrating teacher-facilitated play and early mathematics learning.



