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How the materials knowledge of Roman mortars could be helpful for the production of future materials: The case of the Aqua Traiana aqueduct (Rome, Italy)
Cement and Concrete Research ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2024.107478
Laura Medeghini , Laura Calzolari , Sara Capriotti , Martina Bernabale , Caterina De Vito , Mauro Giustini , Ida Pettiti , Gianfranco Dell'Agli , Luca Spiridigliozzi , Amina Antonacci , Giulia Gasperuzzo , Viviana Scognamiglio , Valeria Di Tullio , Margherita Zappelli , Lucia Conti , Eleonora Gioventù , Marina Marcelli , Alfredo Bonaccini , Silvano Mignardi

Starting from the knowledge of ancient materials, the present work aims at developing green eco-friendly restoration mortars.


罗马迫击炮的材料知识如何有助于未来材料的生产:Aqua Traiana 渡槽案例(意大利罗马)
