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Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Power Electronics for Distributed Energy Resources
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1109/jestpe.2024.3377456
Liuchen Chang 1 , Sudip K. Mazumder 2 , Marta Molinas 3

Distributed energy resources (DERs) are any energy resources in the electrical distribution systems, which can produce electricity, consume or store energy in a controlled manner, or be utilized to improve energy efficiency. They are typically smaller in scale than the traditional large-generation facilities. DERs include distributed generation units, energy storage facilities including electric vehicles, and controlled loads. Power electronic technologies, as the focus of this Special Issue, are critical to enabling the integration, protection, performance, and interoperability of DERs in power systems. DERs are rapidly growing in the global electricity market and are entering into power systems as an integral part of the system thanks to the increasing penetration of renewable energy and energy storage units. The technologies for DERs have advanced significantly over the past two decades and so have the DER interconnection standards. In addition to meeting the requirements for power system specifications, safety, and protection, DERs are required to support grid operation in recently developed interconnection standards by providing functions of voltage and frequency ride-throughs, voltage and frequency regulations, or inertial responses.


