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Mass-produced and uniformly luminescent photochromic fibers toward future interactive wearable displays
Light: Science & Applications ( IF 19.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01414-4
Yan Li , Yikai Su

Enabling flexible fibers with light-emitting capabilities has the potential to revolutionize the design of smart wearable interactive devices. A recent publication in Light Science & Application, an interdisciplinary team of scientists led by Prof. Yan-Qing Lu and Prof. Guangming Tao has realized a highly flexible, uniformly luminescent photochromic fiber based on a mass-produced thermal drawing method. It overcomes the shortcomings of existing commercial light-diffusing fibers, exhibiting outstanding one-dimensional linear illumination performance. The research team integrated controllable photochromic fibers into various wearable interaction interfaces, providing a novel approach and insights to enable human-computer interaction.



