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Evaluation analysis of the compensation payments schemes for ecosystem services: The case of Czech and Slovak Republic
Forest Policy and Economics ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103202
Zuzana Dobšinská , Klára Báliková , Vilém Jarský , Michal Hríb , Roman Štifil , Jaroslav Šálka

Compensation payments for ownership rights restrictions due to nature conservation of forest land have a long history in the Czech and Slovak Republics. A similar understanding and the common roots of nature conservation led us to analyse the implementation of these governmental payments for ecosystem services in both countries. This study aimed to compare the implementation process of payments in the Czech and Slovak Republics and to answer the following research question: How effective are they in ecosystem services provisions? Methodologically, the study was based on document analysis and interviews with forestry and environmental stakeholders and policymakers. We evaluated compensation payments with a multicriteria analysis based on policy analysis and governance theory. The evaluation analysis disclosed very similar results concerning the relevant implementation gaps in both countries. We observed that for small- and medium-scale forest owners, it is difficult to apply for compensation payments, e.g., they lack information about it. In both countries, the implementation process needs to be revised and improved. In summary, compensation payments have moderate environmental effectiveness related to their goals and ecosystem services support.


