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Vertical Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus Among Women with a History of Injection Opioid Use
Clinical Infectious Diseases ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciae177
John M Cafardi 1 , Hong T Lin 2 , Lana Lange 3 , Lacey Kelley 4 , Kelly Lemon 5 , Elizabeth A Odegard 2 , Heidi L Meeds 2 , Jason T Blackard 2 , Judith Feinberg 6

We evaluated vertical transmission and linkage to care in women with HCV and history of injection drug use employing co-localized testing and treatment. Transmission occurred in 1 of 23 infants, with mother-infant genetic distance of 1.26%. Rates for infant testing, maternal linkage and cure were 77%, 52%, and 100%, respectively.



我们采用共定位检测和治疗,评估了患有 HCV 且有注射吸毒史的女性的垂直传播和与护理的联系。 23名婴儿中有1人发生传播,母婴遗传距离为1.26%。婴儿检测率、母婴连接率和治愈率分别为 77%、52% 和 100%。