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Reliability analysis of industrial robot positional errors based on statistical moment similarity metrics
Applied Mathematical Modelling ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2024.04.014
Jinhui Wu , Pengpeng Tian , Yourui Tao , Peng Huang , Xu Han

A new positional accuracy reliability analysis method of industrial robots is proposed based on the statistical moment similarity of positional error. The first-two order statistical moments of positional error at some positions are accurately obtained through the differential kinematics method to reduce the computational cost of the proposed method. In practical engineering, the statistical moments of positional error can also be obtained from the limited experimental data. Then, the statistical moment similarity of positional error is quantified by the semivariance function. Besides, the first-two order moments of positional error at any position can be calculated according to the statistical moment similarity. Thus, the positional accuracy reliability analysis of any position can be realized by the first-two order moments according to the saddlepoint approximation method. Besides, an optimal position with the lowest failure probability of positional error can be searched based on the statistical moment similarity. The effectiveness of the proposed method is manifest through calculating the positional accuracy reliability and the optimal position with the lowest failure probability of a 6-degree-of-freedom (6-DoF) industrial robot in a cubic space.


