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ENVI-met model performance evaluation for courtyard simulations in hot-humid climates
Urban Climate ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.101909
Shuang Liu , Ariane Middel , Xiaoshan Fang , Renzhi Wu

Courtyards are effective passive cooling features in the built environment, especially in hot-humid climates. The microclimate model ENVI-met has frequently been used to simulate how courtyard design impacts human thermal comfort. Yet, few studies have assessed model accuracy using different settings, especially in light of recent model upgrades for radiative fluxes. Additional research is required, covering various model settings, urban configurations, and seasons, to better evaluate the effect of the new modules in ENVI-met 5. This study validates ENVI-met v.5.0.2. microclimate simulations for two courtyards, comparing modeled air temperature (), relative humidity (), air velocity (), and mean radiant temperature () to seasonal in-situ observations. Validation data were collected at four sites (tree-shaded, canopy-shaded, building-shaded, mixed shade) in hot, humid Guangzhou, China courtyards with a different aspect ratio (AR), sky view factor (SVF), tree ground ratio (TGR), and water coverage ratio (WCR). Results show that courtyard ENVI-met simulations using the new radiation module (Indexed View Sphere, IVS), new algorithm (6-directional), full forcing (variable wind speed and direction), and localized materials perform best (NRMSE improved by approximately 57%). Summer model results show the smallest errors (R and NRMSE were 0.82 and 1.63, respectively), followed by spring and winter. AR, coarse grid size, and TGR account for most of the errors in and . This study increases confidence that recent ENVI-met model improvements help simulate microclimate variables with acceptable accuracy.