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Land tenure administration in Iraq: Quantitative analysis and a comprehensive evaluation
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.189 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107092
Laith H.M. Al-ossmi

The present study underscores its novel methodology, employing a mathematical extrapolation as a guiding framework to investigate and scrutinize the Iraqi land tenancy system. Remarkably, this innovative approach stands distinct from preceding research endeavors. Notably, its application holds potential for facilitating a comprehensive inquiry into land tenure management facets across in Iraqi jurisdictions. Nevertheless, situated within a milieu characterized by volatility, an unfavorable investment climate, and a feeble private sector, the applicability of the policy's approach has been restricted. The land tenure sector has, regrettably, encountered challenges in assuming its anticipated role. Hence, a comprehensive investigation becomes imperative to evaluate plausible land tenure strategies and chart a prospective path forward for the nation a quest hitherto unexplored in extant scholarly works. To address this pressing issue, this paper endeavors to scrutinize and investigate successful interventions deployed by internal factors in response to predicaments akin to those presently challenging Iraqi system. In order to fulfill this objective, a set of negative interventions were used as indicators of the institutional aspects and how can elements of the existing system be assessed, thus the research methodology employed herein combines a numerical investigation of collected data derived from survey statistics with an exhaustive sample in Iraqi city, Al-Nasiriya. The outcomes of this investigation unveil the viability of endorsing enhancing the eroded trust in the Iraqi authorities, administrators of Iraqi land system have to add more details to the real picture of the existing system’ deficiency and then produce the effective solutions as a promising principal approach to be pursued within the contextual confines of Iraq.


