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The aquaculture industry as a global network of perturbation experiments
Limnology and Oceanography Letters ( IF 7.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1002/lol2.10384
Jemma M. Fadum 1 , Ed K. Hall 2 , Elena Litchman 1 , Emily J. Zakem 1

Scientific Significance Statement

Aquaculture is a global industry that enriches the surrounding aquatic environment in nutrients, namely carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Because these inputs are spatially and temporally defined, cage culture farms act as perturbation experiments for understanding the ecological impacts of nutrient enrichment on aquatic ecosystems. Individual farms form an existing, though underutilized, global network of experiments with established continuous monitoring of ecosystem impact metrics. This network covers both freshwater and marine environments and spans numerable environmental gradients. We propose that this global coverage provides an opportunity to better understand heterogenous aquatic ecosystem response to nutrient enrichment in the context of other current global changes. With increased data sharing efforts and interdisciplinary collaboration, this existing global network of perturbation experiments provides an opportunity to expand fundamental understanding of diverse ecosystem response to nutrient enrichment.




