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Objective sputum colour assessment and clinical outcomes in bronchiectasis: data from the European Bronchiectasis Registry (EMBARC)
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 24.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01554-2023
Stefano Aliberti , Felix C. Ringshausen , Raja Dhar , Charles S. Haworth , Michael R. Loebinger , Katerina Dimakou , Megan L. Crichton , Anthony De Soyza , Montse Vendrell , Pierre-Regis Burgel , Melissa McDonnell , Sabina Skrgat , Luis Maiz Carro , Andres de Roux , Oriol Sibila , Apostolos Bossios , Menno van der Eerden , Paula Kauppi , Robert Wilson , Branislava Milenkovic , Rosario Menendez , Marlene Murris , Sermin Borekci , Oxana Munteanu , Dusanka Obradovic , Adam Nowinski , Adelina Amorim , Antoni Torres , Natalie Lorent , Eva Van Braeckel , Josje Altenburg , Amelia Shoemark , Michal Shteinberg , Wim Boersma , Pieter C. Goeminne , J. Stuart Elborn , Adam T. Hill , Tobias Welte , Francesco Blasi , Eva Polverino , James D. Chalmers ,


Bronchiectasis is a chronic inflammatory disease [1, 2]. Although it is recognised that bronchiectasis is composed of multiple phenotypes and endotypes, inflammation has classically been regarded as neutrophilic and patients with higher levels of neutrophilic inflammation have been shown to have worse clinical outcomes [3–5].


支气管扩张症的客观痰颜色评估和临床结果:来自欧洲支气管扩张症登记处 (EMBARC) 的数据


支气管扩张是一种慢性炎症性疾病[1, 2]。尽管人们认识到支气管扩张由多种表型和内型组成,但炎症通常被认为是中性粒细胞性炎症,并且中性粒细胞性炎症水平较高的患者已被证明临床结果较差[3-5]。
