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Salivary proteins NlSP5 and NlSP7 are required for optimal feeding and fitness of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens
Pest Management Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8134
Xin‐Yang Liu 1 , Xin‐Yu Cai 1 , Hui‐Jie Wu 1 , Yi Wan 1 , Sheng‐Fei Wei 1 , Hai‐Jun Xu 1

Saliva has a crucial role in determining the compatibility between piercing–sucking insects and their hosts. The brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens, a notorious pest of rice in East and Southeast Asia, secretes gelling and watery saliva when feeding on rice sap. Nlsalivap-5 (NlSP5) and Nlsalivap-7 (NlSP7) were identified as potential planthopper-specific gelling saliva components, but their biological functions remain unknown.


唾液蛋白 NlSP5 和 NlSP7 对于褐飞虱 (Nilaparvata lugens) 的最佳摄食和健康是必需的

唾液在决定刺吸式昆虫与其宿主之间的相容性方面起着至关重要的作用。褐飞虱 (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens是东亚和东南亚的一种臭名昭著的水稻害虫,在吸食水稻汁液时会分泌出胶状和水样的唾液。 Nlsalivap-5 (NlSP5) 和 Nlsalivap-7 (NlSP7) 被鉴定为潜在的飞虱特异性胶凝唾液成分,但其​​生物学功能仍不清楚。