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N-acetylcysteine absorption and its potential dual effect improve fitness and fruit yield in Xylella fastidiosa infected plants
Pest Management Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8137
Simone C. Picchi 1 , Daniele Rebelatto 1 , Paula M.M. Martins 1 , Silvia Blumer 1 , Geisa L. Mesquita 1 , Franz W. R. Hippler 1 , Dirceu Mattos‐Junior 1 , Rodrigo M. Boaretto 1 , Marco A. Machado 1 , Marco A. Takita 1 , Helvécio D. Coletta‐Filho 1 , Alessandra A. de Souza 1

Xylella fastidiosa is a multi-host bacterium that can be detected in hundreds of plant species including several crops. Diseases caused by X. fastidiosa are considered a threat to global food production. The primary method for managing diseases caused by X. fastidiosa involves using insecticides to control the vector. Hence, it is necessary to adopt new and sustainable disease management technologies to control not only the insect but also the bacteria and plant health. We demonstrated that N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a low-cost cysteine analogue, is a sustainable molecule that can be used in agriculture to decrease the damage caused by X. fastidiosa and improve plant health.



苛养木杆菌是一种多宿主细菌,可以在包括多种作物在内的数百种植物中检测到。由X. fastidiosa引起的疾病被认为是对全球粮食生产的威胁。控制由X. fastidiosa引起的疾病的主要方法是使用杀虫剂来控制媒介。因此,有必要采用新的、可持续的疾病管理技术,不仅要控制昆虫,还要控制细菌和植物的健康。我们证明,N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)是一种低成本的半胱氨酸类似物,是一种可持续的分子,可用于农业,以减少叶缘细菌造成的损害并改善植物健康。