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Nature Astronomy ( IF 14.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02255-2
May Chiao

What’s Hidden Inside Planets?

  • Sabine Stanley &
  • John Wenz
Johns Hopkins: 2023. 245pp. $16.95

Next time you look up at a colourful auroral display in the ionosphere, give a thought to the Earth’s molten iron core that makes the shimmering light show possible. As Sabine Stanley explains in What’s Hidden Inside Planets, there is quite a lot going on beneath the surface — from the processes controlling the carbon cycle to those responsible for earthquakes and volcanoes. The book is written in an entertaining and accessible way, with plenty of food metaphors and quirky facts.




  • 萨宾·斯坦利 &
  • 约翰·温兹
约翰·霍普金斯大学:2023 年。245 页。 16.95 美元

下次当您抬头观看电离层中色彩缤纷的极光时,请考虑一下地球的熔融铁芯,正是它使闪烁的灯光秀成为可能。正如萨宾·斯坦利(Sabine Stanley)在《行星内部隐藏的东西》中所解释的那样,地表之下正在发生很多事情——从控制碳循环的过程到导致地震和火山的过程。这本书以一种有趣且通俗易懂的方式写成,有大量的食物隐喻和离奇的事实。
