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Randomised clinical trial: First-line infliximab biosimilar is cost-effective compared to conventional treatment in paediatric Crohn's disease
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-21 , DOI: 10.1111/apt.18000
Stephanie A. Vuijk 1 , Maria M. E. Jongsma 1 , Britt M. Hoeven 1 , Maarten A. Cozijnsen 1 , Merel van Pieterson 1 , Tim G. J. de Meij 2 , Obbe F. Norbruis 3 , Michael Groeneweg 4 , Victorien M. Wolters 5 , Herbert van Wering 6 , Thalia Hummel 7 , Janneke Stapelbroek 8 , Cathelijne van der Feen 9 , Patrick F. van Rheenen 10 , Michiel P. van Wijk 2 , Sarah Teklenburg 3 , Dimitris Rizopoulos 11, 12 , Marten J. Poley 13, 14 , Johanna C. Escher 1 , Lissy de Ridder 1

Data on cost-effectiveness of first-line infliximab in paediatric patients with Crohn's disease are limited. Since biologics are increasingly prescribed and accompanied by high costs, this knowledge gap needs to be addressed.


