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Effect-directed analysis of androgenic compounds from sewage sludges in China
Water Research ( IF 12.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121652
Tongtong Xiang , Chunzhen Shi , Yunhe Guo , Jie Zhang , Weicui Min , Jiazheng Sun , Jifu Liu , Xiliang Yan , Yanna Liu , Linlin Yao , Yuxiang Mao , Xiaoxi Yang , Jianbo Shi , Bing Yan , Guangbo Qu , Guibin Jiang

The safety of municipal sewage sludge has raised great concerns because of the accumulation of large-scale endocrine disrupting chemicals in the sludge during wastewater treatment. The presence of contaminants in sludge can cause secondary pollution owing to inappropriate disposal mechanisms, posing potential risks to the environment and human health. Effect-directed analysis (EDA), involving an androgen receptor (AR) reporter gene bioassay, fractionation, and suspect and nontarget chemical analysis, were applied to identify causal AR agonists in sludge; 20 of the 30 sludge extracts exhibited significant androgenic activity. Among these, the extracts from Yinchuan, Kunming, and Shijiazhuang, which held the most polluted AR agonistic activities were prepared for extensive EDA, with the dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-equivalency of 2.5 – 4.5 ng DHT/g of sludge. Seven androgens, namely boldione, androstenedione, testosterone, megestrol, progesterone, and testosterone isocaproate, were identified in these strongest sludges together, along with testosterone cypionate, first reported in sludge media. These identified androgens together accounted for 55 %, 87 %, and 52 % of the effects on the sludge from Yinchuan, Shijiazhuang, and Kunming, respectively. This study elucidates the causative androgenic compounds in sewage sludge and provides a valuable reference for monitoring and managing androgens in wastewater treatment.