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A review on enhancing energy efficiency and adaptability through system integration for smart buildings
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109354
Um-e-Habiba , Ijaz Ahmed , Muhammad Asif , Hassan Haes Alhelou , Muhammad Khalid

The increasing need for reducing carbon emissions and promoting smart, energy-saving buildings is fueling the rising trend of sophisticated control systems. This study provides comprehensive evaluations of advanced controls specifically designed for such buildings. The topics covered are diverse, encompassing big data, data collection, automation in construction, digitalization of energy, and modeling of building energy. The subjects covered include controls that prioritize the needs of occupants, ensuring energy security, providing flexibility and dependability, and utilizing machine learning for control systems. Furthermore, the study explores controllers that make use of artificial intelligence, adaptation to climate change, and the challenges and opportunities associated with achieving a balance between complexity and control performance. This study deepens our understanding and application of advanced controls in the creation of eco-friendly, sustainable structures. Moreover, this review will offer academics, architects, and legislators valuable information for the development of smart control technologies and the need for smart and sustainable buildings.


