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Two-phase approach to modeling the grain-fluid flows with deposition and entrainment over rugged topography
Advances in Water Resources ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2024.104691
Hock-Kiet Wong , Yih-Chin Tai , Haruka Tsunetaka , Norifumi Hotta

We present a grain-fluid mixture for debris flows moving on a rugged (non-trivial) topography, where entrainment and deposition may take place. The model equations are derived with respect to a terrain-following coordinate system, which is constructed based on the topographic surface. The coordinates are fixed in space, and a “sub-topography” is added on the coordinate surface to account for the variation in the local topography when entrainment or deposition takes place. Numerical implementation is made based on a GPU-accelerated simulation tool, into which the entrainment-deposition mechanism is integrated accordingly. Two numerical examples are assigned to investigate the key features of the proposed model. One is on a horizontal plane, on which a finite mass of grain-fluid mixture is released from the state of rest. In this example, debris flow deposits significantly impact the post-event morphology and the associated flow behaviors. The other concerns a moving mass down an inclined chute merging into a horizontal deposition plane, where the levee formation is reproduced. At the end, the model is validated against grain-water experiments and applied to a large-scale historical event to evaluate its applicability.


