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Exploring new perspectives in immunology
Cell ( IF 64.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.03.038
Ruslan Medzhitov , Akiko Iwasaki

Several conceptual pillars form the foundation of modern immunology, including the clonal selection theory, antigen receptor diversity, immune memory, and innate control of adaptive immunity. However, some immunological phenomena cannot be explained by the current framework. Thus, we still do not know how to design vaccines that would provide long-lasting protective immunity against certain pathogens, why autoimmune responses target some antigens and not others, or why the immune response to infection sometimes does more harm than good. Understanding some of these mysteries may require that we question existing assumptions to develop and test alternative explanations. Immunology is increasingly at a point when, once again, exploring new perspectives becomes a necessity.


