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Selective Cu electroplating enabled by surface patterning and enhanced conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced polymers upon air plasma etching
Journal of Alloys and Compounds ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.174569
Lidija D. Rafailović , Tomislav Trišović , Monika Stupavska , Pavel Soucek , Peter Velicsanyi , Sonja Nixon , Adam Elbataioui , Stanislav Zak , Megan J. Cordill , Anton Hohenwarter , Christoph Kleber , Jozef Rahel

We demonstrate a sustainable post-processing of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy polymer (CFRP) composites by air plasma etching that permits regular electroconductive surface patterning through direct Cu galvanic metallization, in contrast to the untreated composite. Our study reveals a significant property dependence of the composite with respect to the position to the fiber/matrix composite surface and treatment. The enhancement in electrical conductivity was not compromised by the lower structural integrity of the composite, as the embedded carbon fibers remained unaffected by the air plasma etching process. The metallized Cu domains on the composite exhibit good hardness and excellent solderability potential. Thus, the electroconductive surface patterning of the composite, preceding galvanic metallization, facilitates the selective deposition of Cu layer domains. This step by step process, relying on the creation of selective electroconductive areas on the composite by plasma etching, enables galvanic metallization. Consequently, it enhances the potential for multifunctional composite applications. The feasibility of galvanic metallization brings new perspectives in selective metallization of composites by allowing the tailoring of the metal layer thickness, microstructure and selection of the metal.


