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Self-assembly of peptide nanocapsules by a solvent concentration gradient
Nature Nanotechnology ( IF 38.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1038/s41565-024-01654-w
Haopeng Li , Xuliang Qian , Harini Mohanram , Xiao Han , Huitang Qi , Guijin Zou , Fenghou Yuan , Ali Miserez , Tian Liu , Qing Yang , Huajian Gao , Jing Yu

Biological systems can create materials with intricate structures and specialized functions. In comparison, precise control of structures in human-made materials has been challenging. Here we report on insect cuticle peptides that spontaneously form nanocapsules through a single-step solvent exchange process, where the concentration gradient resulting from the mixing of water and acetone drives the localization and self-assembly of the peptides into hollow nanocapsules. The underlying driving force is found to be the intrinsic affinity of the peptides for a particular solvent concentration, while the diffusion of water and acetone creates a gradient interface that triggers peptide localization and self-assembly. This gradient-mediated self-assembly offers a transformative pathway towards simple generation of drug delivery systems based on peptide nanocapsules.



