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Clean energy for the Pacific Island countries: Does donor funding promote this transition?
Energy Economics ( IF 12.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2024.107567
Seema Narayan , Paresh Kumar Narayan

Donor funding, both grants and concessional loans, on renewable energy projects to Pacific Island countries (PICs) have increased overtime. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of this donor funding on PICs transition to renewable energy. Our hypothesis is that donor funded renewable projects have facilitated transition to clean energy for PICs. Using data for nine PICs, we discover no support for our hypothesis. Alternative measures of donor funding persistently reject our hypothesis. Additional regression analysis suggests that donor funding is insignificantly related to the renewable energy transition. We draw policy implications from these findings.



向太平洋岛国(PIC)提供的可再生能源项目的捐助资金(包括赠款和优惠贷款)不断增加。本文的目的是评估捐助资金对太平洋岛国向可再生能源转型的有效性。我们的假设是,捐助者资助的可再生能源项目促进了太平洋岛国向清洁能源的过渡。使用九个 PIC 的数据,我们发现没有支持我们的假设。捐助资金的替代衡量标准始终否定我们的假设。额外的回归分析表明,捐助资金与可再生能源转型无关紧要。我们从这些发现中得出政策含义。