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Macroeconomic impacts of monetary and fiscal policy in the euro area in times of shifting policies: A SVAR approach
Finance Research Letters ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2024.105406
Vasja Rant , Anja Puc , Mitja Čok , Miroslav Verbič

This paper analyses the impacts of monetary and fiscal policy of the euro area on output and inflation between 2005 and 2022 using a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) approach. We employ three alternative indicators of monetary policy, alongside government spending and revenue as fiscal variables to estimate the effects across different subperiods. The findings reveal that monetary policy tightening produces a negative and delayed effect on both output and inflation, with the effects differing across alternative monetary policy indicators in terms of duration and magnitude. A fiscal revenue shock is found to be inflationary, whereas a fiscal spending shock initially has a negative effect on growth that later turns positive, but is short-lived. The effects of fiscal policy shocks are more substantial than the effects of monetary policy shocks. The results also suggest that the effects may differ across subperiods, depending on the nature and intensity of the policy shifts.


政策转变时期欧元区货币和财政政策的宏观经济影响:SVAR 方法
