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Light Flickering Guided Reflection Removal
International Journal of Computer Vision ( IF 19.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s11263-024-02073-z
Yuchen Hong , Yakun Chang , Jinxiu Liang , Lei Ma , Tiejun Huang , Boxin Shi

When photographing through a piece of glass, reflections usually degrade the quality of captured images or videos. In this paper, by exploiting periodically varying light flickering, we investigate the problem of removing strong reflections from contaminated image sequences or videos with a unified capturing setup. We propose a learning-based method that utilizes short-term and long-term observations of mixture videos to exploit one-side contextual clues in fluctuant components and brightness-consistent clues in consistent components for achieving layer separation and flickering removal, respectively. A dataset containing synthetic and real mixture videos with light flickering is built for network training and testing. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by the comprehensive evaluation on synthetic and real data, the application for video flickering removal, and the exploratory experiment on high-speed scenes.



