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Biobased fibers from natural to synthetic: Processing, manufacturing, and application
Matter ( IF 18.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.04.006
Fuyao Liu , Liang Pan , Yifan Liu , Gongxun Zhai , Zhou Sha , Xiugang Zhang , Zhihao Zhang , Qingqing Liu , Senlong Yu , Liping Zhu , Hengxue Xiang , Zhe Zhou , Meifang Zhu

Biobased fibers have demonstrated huge potential as renewable and biodegradable materials in recent years. Traditionally produced through simple spinning of natural fibers such as cotton and silk, biobased fibers have evolved significantly with modern techniques enabling large-scale production of biomass feedstocks and monomers through green solvent extraction and biotechnology processes. Various functional biobased fibers can now be manufactured using wet, electro, and melt spinning technologies, greatly advancing the development of renewable biobased and biosynthetic fibers. These fibers find widespread application across sectors such as functional textiles, biomaterials, energy storage, and wearable technologies. By providing a holistic perspective spanning resource extraction, fiber production, and end use applications, this overview aims to foster cross-disciplinary inspiration and collaboration to accelerate the utilization of biobased fibers. In the future, biobased fibers are projected to gradually replace traditional petroleum-based fibers, driving society toward a greener and more sustainable path.



