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Manipulation of Nonradiative Process Based on the Aggregation Microenvironment to Customize Excited-State Energy Conversion
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 18.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.4c00071
Guan Wang 1 , Ben Zhong Tang 2 , Xinggui Gu 1

Nonradiative processes with the determined role in excited-state energy conversion, such as internal conversion (IC), vibrational relaxation (VR), intersystem crossing (ISC), and energy or electron transfer (ET or eT), have exerted a crucial effect on biological functions in nature. Inspired by these, nonradiative process manipulation has been extensively utilized to develop organic functional materials in the fields of energy and biomedicine. Therefore, comprehensive knowledge and effective manipulation of sophisticated nonradiative processes for achieving high-efficiency excited-state energy conversion are quintessential. So far, many strategies focused on molecular engineering have demonstrated tremendous potential in manipulating nonradiative processes to tailor excited-state energy conversion. Besides, molecular aggregation considerably affects nonradiative processes due to their ultrasensitivity, thus providing us with another essential approach to manipulating nonradiative processes, such as the famous aggregation-induced emission. However, the weak interactions established upon aggregation, namely, the aggregation microenvironment (AME), possess hierarchical, dynamic, and systemic characteristics and are extremely complicated to elucidate. Revealing the relationship between the AME and nonradiative process and employing it to customize excited-state energy conversion would greatly promote advanced materials in energy utilization, biomedicine, etc., but remain a huge challenge. Our group has devoted much effort to achieving this goal.


