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Do typologies of pesticide risk knowledge influence the adoption of IPM strategies? Evidence from rice farmers' behavior in northern Iran
Pest Management Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-27 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8151
Mohammad Sharif Sharifzadeh 1 , Gholamhossein Abdollahzadeh 1

The active participation of farmers in adopting eco-friendly practices is vital to mitigate the environmental and health risks linked to pesticide usage. Farmers' awareness of these risks significantly influences their adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) methods over traditional pesticide applications. This study sought to explore the range of understanding on pesticide effects, categorize IPM strategies employed in pest management, and examine the correlation between knowledge levels and IPM strategy choices. Data was gathered through structured questionnaires from 391 rice farmers in Sari County, Mazandaran province, Northern Iran.


农药风险知识的类型是否会影响 IPM 策略的采用?来自伊朗北部稻农行为的证据

农民积极参与采用生态友好型做法对于减轻与农药使用相关的环境和健康风险至关重要。农民对这些风险的认识极大地影响了他们对害虫综合防治(IPM)方法的采用,而不是传统农药的施用。本研究旨在探索对农药影响的理解范围,对害虫管理中采用的 IPM 策略进行分类,并检查知识水平与 IPM 策略选择之间的相关性。数据是通过对伊朗北部马赞德兰省萨里县 391 名稻农进行结构化调查问卷收集的。